Another lovely day with the other part of the family plus a further visit from Ethan.

Well the day started off badly - I had my shower this morning and once finished I could NOT turn the shower off, nor could hubby.  So quickly getting dried and dressed I rushed down to Reception.  The young lady came up to have a look and she couldn't get it turned off either.  She was going to make a call but it may be a while before she could get hold of someone as it was Saturday!!!!  She suggested that we pack up and at 10.00am when the housekeeping staff arrived they move our luggage to another room.  

We quickly did this, but then when we went down for breakfast one o the male Receptionists who has some maintenance abilities came to have a look and managed to repair the shower enough for us to be able to use again today and tomorrow.  Yeah - except we had already rushed our packing.

Oh well we left everything in the room and went to Rob's sister house.
After a tea, me trying to coax Alfie out of the airing cupboard, we headed off for Kirkcaldy to see Jean's youngest son.

We went to an Italian restaurant not far from where they live and had a lovely meal with Douglas, Mags and Daniel.  

After that Jean said she needed a leg stretch so we went for walk in Ravenscraig Park, on through the Park by the Firth of the Forth and on down to Dysart Harbour.

It was such a lovely day, much better weather than predicted.  As we were walking along we saw TWO rainbow side by side - not a mirror rainbow but two separate ones - I don't think I've ever seen than before (see in Extras).  The tiny rock you can see in the far right (that the ship seems to be heading towards) is Bass Rock in North Berwick.

I've not had time to develop the photos yet, just this one and the two rainbows in extras.  Hope you like them.

The main photo is of the rainbow by Dysart Harbour. It was such a strong rainbow that you could see each individual colour - I didn't quite maage to capture that but you can still see what a magnificent rainbow it was.

After our walk we went back to Douglas, Mags & Daniel's house for a cup of tea and a rest.   Then headed back to Jeans.  Ethan came again tonight (as he did last night) especially to see us - isn't that lovely!!!

We had a lovely chat and then came back to unpack and repack again ready for tomorrow.  Hopefully we won't have any major issues with the shower in the morning!!!

I'm sorry I've not had to look at your blips yet but I've been having a such a great time with the family that I just haven't had the time, but I will catch up with you when I can.

Wish us luck for our journey to the Battle of Bannockburn experience for tomorrow.

Stay safe and I will see you all tomorrow. Thank you for dropping by, even though I'm not keeping up with you all at the moment, it won't be for long though..

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