Turtles All The Way Down

By Stacebob


Had a rather lovely day today, despite not being much of a fan of April Fools Day (I'm gullible enough as is, I don't need multiple people trying to trick me at once!); spent the morning cleaning, then the arvo reading some comics and watching TV before Kie popped over for some WrestleMania fun. Pizza, bevvies, music and wrestling; can't argue with that!

I am also incredibly excited; spotted that the 4 voices behind the 80s Turtles are gonna be at a convention in Telford in May; you better believe I snapped up tickets immediately! Truly can't wait; I've had the pleasure of meeting Townsend Coleman (Mikey) before, and interviewed Rob Paulsen (Raph) virtually for the podcast, but I've never met Cam Clarke (Leo) or Barry Gordon (Donnie) so it should be a brilliant day! Squeak!

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