Cat in the box

I was putting away the old towels I keep for the dog in their box after washing when the cat decided to get in and go to sleep in there. Typical cat. Not a good picture of her, can never get a good one with her being all black.
We took her out in the garden on a lead and harness yesterday and today, she was a bit worried at first but then decided she didn't want to come in there is too much or explore.
Tanzy will not go out when cat is out she slinks back indoors, no idea why, she is just odd.

Very busy morning Dog walk then shopping here and there, Lidl first then for those things we only get once a month when we go into Rothwell to Morrisons etc then Castleford on the way home to B & M for dog and cat food, where it is much cheaper. Called at Garden Centre for some longer canes for the tomato's . Got home at 12 noon.  A tiring morning, a quiet afternoon.

Wasn't very well last night, had a poorly tummy, no idea what caused it but it was painful. Have been fine today, must have got rid of what caused it.

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