Last But Not Least

Grace gave me this mug for Mothers' Day. I've now Blipped everything my kids gave me! I had a cup of herbal tea in this with my breakfast this morning.

After the shock news about Tom, Estelle's son yesterday there was another shock in store today. I found out from Brian that my ex's brother had phoned him at work to say that Mike, my ex is in hospital and not expected to survive. He has MS and other health issues so it's not so out of the blue. It is well over 20 years since I last saw him and he's been married and divorced twice more since me. We had what could be termed a stormy relationship, I suppose. 

The two kids were the best things to come out of it of course, and it was him that introduced me to Rugby and Wigan too. He has been estranged from his children and never met at least one of his three lovely grandsons - his choice. The kids did try... such a shame.

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