Lighthouse #36

​Wildlife nighttime camera

Cats & fox & badger
A busy night...

Creative is digital painting - Lighthouse #36
I received a couple of envelopes yesterday from my American pen friend with postcards of nearly 50 more lighthouses...

I put the peanuts out early for the foxes yesterday afternoon and put the SD cards early in the cameras as well, because I was expecting a parcel and I had to wait at the front window.
My parcel came at 6:30 pm, and when I went out to check everything at the back, all the peanuts are gone, so this seems to imply that the foxes came in daylight when I was at the front of the bungalow...

Time to feed the beasts, every scrap of food, including the cat food inside the bungalow has been eaten...

A cuppa tea first...

Have your best day...

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