
A Wellness Walk. 

I've been visiting Millom for a fair old while now, and whilst I've blipped many a view from it, never one of it. 
Its an amazingly deprived place, each time I visit more local services seem to have been cut, more businesses closed down. It has a reputation that leaves it scorned by many, it's isolated in a lot of ways.You can still have a choice of houses for well under £50k.
The people are wonderful, far more people give me, a total stranger, a cheery "hi" than I ever get in any city. I suspect they'd cause you're average Londoner to explode. I get a genuine warm welcome every week. 

And wow does it have a view. Oddly I like the wind farms out to sea, I find them futuristic and hopeful, and occasionally you can see the Isle of Man. The beaches are wide, varied and fabulous.
And then you turn around, look up the Duddon Estuary and wow. 

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