At the archery butts.

Gloomy as usual but perhaps a mite warmer. Put away yesterday's laundry and planned next weeks walks with good intentions to go out earlier and not spend so much time faffing around on my iPad. Didn't do that today  of course !  Full of creative ideas for the bathroom too which is cheering.  Went out in the afternoon intending to shop at the Pillars and go on to walk along the Eden and see if any wild flowers were out. The Pillars parking was busy so I had to use the overflow car park. Went to look over a gate and one thing led to another.  By the time I'd photographed the archery butts and gone back to the car park I had my blip and my walk for the day. The extra is the birch tree in the school playing field at the bottom of my  garden. The sun has come out and the evening light is lovely.

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