Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Todays fun chore. All of us worked with securing the support for the tomato plants. I missed the planting this time too... but, there'll be another time. The radio was on, playing older tunes and one of them was one of those where there's a dance to it. I felt my hips wanting to move and imagined all of us suddenly breaking into dance..(kind of like to Jerusalema, when that song were played and danced to). but, as I asked the others if they felt their legs moving wanting to dance... there were just laughter and silence. So, apparently I was the only one. :D 
When I came home, after having lunch, I slept for almost two hours. Not well yet, with whatever this is, but I need to just go on with work until it's gone. The upside is that I can do work chores that suits my day to day health. :)

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