
Yesterday I booked a 'too good to go' meat breakfast.
It was £2:79 or £2:39. Can't remember now.
I had to drive a little way.
I was going to eat it while sitting by the Wetlands and watching the birds.
So, it was meat sausage, meat bacon, and eggs with baked beans and tomatoes.
I bit into the sausage and ate a little. The sausage was smothered with beans and tomatoes.
Then I realised it was not a meat sausage, but a vegetarian one. So, I left the sausages. I immediately started getting wind pains and bad heartburn. I always get that with vegetarian stuff. And I wasn't well..

I checked my blood sugars when I got home and they were very high.

So my treat day was spoilt. All because instead of telling me they had no meat sausages left for my meat breakfast, the server (he had gone into the back, because they had finished serving breakfast, and he filled my breakfast container from there), the guy had popped in two vegetarian sausages and lathered them in beans and tomatoes so I wouldn't see, I presume..

This has caused me pain all night, wind and heartburn, and a sleepless night.

I do not know what textured protein was in the sausages, I took them home to look properly at them. Once I opened them up, I could see the textured protein, but on the outside, they looked like meat sausages that had herbs in them.

I will be giving them the review they deserve in a wee while. I did verbally check with the server that I was getting a meat breakfast.

My blood sugars are still in double figures. This has completely messed up the balance of my body.

This was meant to give me the purpose of a drive out and trying out those 'too good to go breakfasts.

I shall stay at home in future. The only safe food is the food I cook/make myself.

Wildlife nighttime camera.
Fox & Cats in the snow
This is from earlier this year when we had another snowfall. I forgot to publish it!


Creative is a digital painting in Procreate of Honesty.
Not happy with it at all. Couldn't sleep last night.
Midnight gave up on me and went to sleep in the front room.
So I painted this Honesty on my iPad mini.

My friend cancelled our meeting today just as I was ready to set off, so I went back to bed, and am still here...
Her husband is ill, so just one of those things.

Time for a coffee...

Have your best day...

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