Linksness, Hoy

This house in Hoy is unusual in that it has two storeys.  It used to be an Inn, situated not far from the pier.  The Bremner family lived in it but it’s been empty for about 30 years.
I cut the grass and did more tunnel repairs.  CMC had a retired teachers jamboree to attend at the Scapa Flow museum.
I went along to see Davie p.m.  I took along a guest cheese scone (i.e. one that the Current Mrs Creel hadn’t made).  It was nearly the size of a boxing glove.  Davie wolfed his down in no time, but I struggled.  The conversation revolved around his blood platelets not coming up to scratch, therefore once again he has been turned down for his last two chemo sessions.  He’s just had another blood sample taken and is hoping to get chemo on Friday.  There was an elongated litany of all things cancer support but, once again, all delivered without one hint of self-pity.  As he says he’s working with what he’s been dealt, and he has implicit faith in all medical professionals he comes into contact with.  D has promised to do some homework before I revisit and
Wind SSE 17 mph, max temp 4°C.

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