Living my dream

By Mima


This morning I listened to a fascinating conversation in the Great Simplification series between Nate Hagens and Kim Stanley Robinson, the science fiction author. 

They compare our current world situation to that of an 'in-between realities' state in a sci-fi novel: the end of the old world (fossil-energy and economic-growth based) order has passed, and we are not yet in the new (as yet unknown) world order. 

We are in a state of extreme global uncertainty and flux, the true inevitability of which seems to be passing most people by: at least those of us who are fortunate enough to live in the developed world. 

Yet we are the ones who have the time, the power, and the influence to actually find and promote a positive new world order. It will take our combined efforts to avoid catastrophic times ahead.

It is a dilemma which sometimes feels beyond me, but I am compelled to do what I can: to write to politicians to ask for more action; to thank people like Nate for their work to bring the issues to a wider audience; and to challenge myself again and again to live more lightly. 

Whether or not it will have any real impact, I don't know. But I won't give up hope. 

Bean - happily - has no such existential battle going on. Her only uncertainty today was whether I might turf her off my armchair as I messed about on the computer.

I didn't...

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