We were quite late cutting back our clematis plants this year because it was so cold, and this one just got a very quick prune because we could see buds already forming.  Whether that was right or wrong, we weren’t sure, but it doesn’t seem to have done it any harm so far and it is blooming well now.  Mr. HCB has been keeping his eye on it and today, I decided to use it for my Flower Friday shot.

However, whilst taking various shots, I noticed a tiny spider had spun a web inside one of the petals - the top petal in the flower at the bottom of the main shot.  I then took several shots of the spider coming out from its hiding place - but I think it knew I was there, so quickly scuttled back under the web it had spun - so from the top left of my extra collage you can see this and in the bottom left shot, you can just see it underneath the web, if you look carefully.   An interesting few minutes and it certainly beats doing housework!

It’s now raining, but Mr. HCB is round in his greenhouse “potting on” various plants, so that will keep him happy for a while.  I have a good book to finish, so there will be no housework done today.  Our lovely neighbour, Lynn, has just knocked the door to ask if we are having afternoon tea tomorrow - just like we used to in the lockdowns - and we have said it would be lovely!  She enjoys baking, so no doubt there will be some cake!  Hope you all have a great day.

This word fits Lynn very well and it also fits my friend, Marylou, who used to Blip, which is how we met!  She now lives in America and often shows on Facebook the wonderful cakes and other things she has baked - I keep asking her to send some, but I’m still waiting!

A person whole loves to bake or loves baked goods.

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