The path through the woods

It's felt like quite an indulgent day, though I have done some useful jobs, including separating the first 38 beetroot seedlings into individual modules. It's not the conventional way to grow them, and is a bit labour intensive, but works well for us, especially this year when the wet spring has delayed preparation of the vegetable beds. They will be sturdy and ready to plant out in a week or two. I was fascinated to see the visibly rainbow tinted roots as I pulled the plants out of the modules, so they are today's extra. I've sown courgettes and more cauliflowers too, and yesterday decided the milder nights allowed me to move all the tomato and aubergine plants into the (unheated) greenhouse.

I walked up the hill towards teatime and couldn't resist returning to the wood. It was deliciously blue and hazy, with dappled light through new green shoots. The individual bluebells are starting to fade, but the overall effect is still beautiful. Before that, I took my shortbread (one of several treats from P's big baking session this morning) and coffee to the balcony with Virginia Woolf. It was beautifully mild and sunny, a treat to take time to read outside. I'm unexpectedly encouraged by the local election results in this ward and area too, so in many ways it's been a day to rejoice in.

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