An appropriate lunch?

As rain was expected I went for a bike ride early this morning and popped into M & S for a few things including some things for lunch while watching the Coronation on TV! 
The coronation chicken sandwich was OK….I also have the ingredients and I’m going to try and make my own tomorrow! We popped next door to watch part of the ceremony with an elderly neighbour and I took him a sandwich and crisps too. He has a much better TV than either of ours…..I might investigate a new one! 

See extra of a wedding dress shop in our High Street. I also passed the gates of Hampton Court palace at about 9am and several people were waiting to be let in at 9.30 as they were letting people into the grounds today without having to pay, and apparently had a big screen to show the Coronation on. The Palace itself would be closed. 

Good to see the ceremony went well but a shame about the rain and the curtailed fly past.

My plans for doing some gardening this afternoon are currently on hold due to drizzle.

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