Today we undertook a  long walk (for us) of about 12 miles, in preparation for walking  the South Downs  Way next month ( that will be 100 miles in nine days- it seemed a good idea when I booked it last summer!).
We took the  bus out to Alresford and walked home, along quiet footpaths and bridle ways, in the Itchen valley. Many of these paths are now part of long distance trails including  the Wayfarer's walk, Watercress way, Three Castles  Way, and most recently, the  St James 's Way,between Reading and Southampton as part of the Camino Ingles (English Way) apparently one of the pilgrims'routes of the famous Camino  de Santiago  in NW Spain. We had perfect weather and were delighted to hear so much  birdsong along our route. My photo is the old mill at Abbots Worthy.  
The only downside was that that yesterday evening I developed a sore shoulder and neck, which unfortunately did not improve with  our  walk. It has made using the computer quite  painful and has delayed me in blipping for a few days, and in commenting  on other journals. 

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