Coronation Pillbox

The forecast for today was mostly dry in the morning and rain in the afternoon. On that basis I walked into town this morning to get a newspaper and to take a look at the Coronation Market. As I suspected, this was no more than the monthly Sunday Market, with a few of the stallholders putting up a bit of bunting. Then it started raining, so I didn't take a photo as it was so drab. Instead I've photographed my Coronation pillbox - I usually buy one for a Jubilee or such like. As you can see, it also had a lion and unicorn as my blip did yesterday. This afternoon I decided I'd watch a film (Finch with Tom Hanks), so of course the sun came out! Looking forward to the Coronation concert tonight - sounds like it'll have a bit more variety of music than the platinum jubilee one. 

PS: I originally photographed it with the side showing, then changed my mind and photographed it from above. Mistakenly, for the second photo I picked up the wrong pillbox and that photo got posted. I've corrected my mistake and added the other pillbox as an extra - that celebrated Queen Elizabeth II being our longest reigning monarch.

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