Another day, another run

Grandson Hamish runs, swims and cycles most days. He lives a good 40 min cycle ride from his work so that takes up the cycle bit and then goes to the swimming pool at least 5 days out of 7. Today was a run day. 
He did the Bideford 10k in aid of the Children's Hospice, South West and clocked a personal best, coming 5th in his age group so was very chuffed. The run goes on the main road for 5kms and then back along the Tarka trail for the other 5km.  
A Samba Band was giving the runners a 'lift' and entertaining watchers - great fun and many runners raised their hands and waved sportingly.
It was a brilliant day - cloudy and a slight breeze.  The afternoon hotted up so we were able to sit in the garden with our tea when we got back home. 
H has now cycled off to the beach for a sea swim to cool down and relax.

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