Buttercups and butterflies

The Marmites Ukulele Band was part of the entertainment at the Doddington Village Coronation lunch this afternoon. Quite a good crowd enjoying the warm sunshine and, I suppose, the entertainment!

The picnic was held in the church field. A church with the unique name of The Beheading of John the Baptist. Apparently, the only church in England with the name.

The warm sunshine continued as we walked around the lanes south of Bearsted later in the afternoon. This view of a field of buttercups has featured before in blip a few years ago. In the past couple of years the display has been more muted. They’re in their full glory this year.

The extra is of a peacock butterfly which obligingly posed on bluebells a drift of which we were sitting and admiring in the Bearsted Woodland Trust. Seeing as I’d posted an obliging butterfly on Friday I thought the peacock needed to be relegated to extras.

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