Take your pick

Martin very spontaneously decided that we should go to Eumundi markets today.  I was a bit reluctant, as I had a long list of things to do before dinner tonight ... but relented and went along.

It was perfect out there today, the markets seemed to have been revived.  They've always been my favourite markets here, but I guess they took a hit with Covid.  We really enjoyed our time there and ofcourse had our fav things to eat, German sausage and Dutch poffertjes :).

I saw these wacky earrings and thought I should get a pic.  Love the musical instruments, notes, etc.  But who in the world would wear coffins (top row)?!?!   

We also bought a wall feature for our patio, been looking for something since we moved in, but today, we found the perfect wall hanging ... to be blipped at some stage.

Then it was time to get the house ready. Martin had lots of pruning to do in the patio area.  Jon got home around lunchtime and has been a big help.

We managed to get everything ready in time for the fam.  We lit the firepit and sat around that for most of the evening.  I was very mindful that there was a Coronation happening in another part of the world .. so had left the tele on in the living room, I ducked in and out ... 

Lovely evening with the family and Jon did a fabulous job on the tomahawk steaks!  And the weather was just right too, cold enough that we could really appreciate the firepit.

Managed to record some of the Coronation in photos and I've added them as extras to record in my journal! 

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