
Today was our last full day in Spain. Mum and I are sitting outside our hostel room waiting for the Little Man to go to sleep. We've checked into a lovely room for the night as we have an early start tomorrow.

We left Alcalali this morning and made a quick coffee stop in Xaló before we drove down to Hostel Pensimar, which is on the outskirts of Alicante. The hostel is right next to the airport (only a few minutes drive) and there are planes flying over every few minutes. We checked in before heading out to find somewhere to get a drink. We had wanted a bite to eat, but we turned up at the restaurant a bit too early. We've found that most Spanish restaurants start serving lunch after 1:30 pm, so we decided to drop the car off at the airport (so we didn't have to do it tomorrow morning). We got a taxi back to the hostel where we headed out to find food and do some exploring.

Our room doesn't have a view, but this is Alicante as seen from the door of the hostel. I wanted to catch the last of the sun before we leave tomorrow.

Follow me on PolarSteps for more on our adventures!

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