Hospital Letter

Thank you for your comments on yesterdays blip.

I received a letter from the hospital today apologising and explaining about the lengthy wait for surgery and wether or not I would consider being referred to another consultant in hope that it would possibly reduce the wait. At first I panicked, I know Dr Nissen and he has a good reputation I don't know any other consultant. However, the pain is breaking through the painkillers, my mobility has become worse, and with another year to wait ahead, I sat and thought things through, then I signed the form and agreed that yes I would, I also agreed to be able to go at very short notice should an opportunity arise, that would be 72hours notice. 

Wether or not this makes a difference I just don't know, how much time it might knock off the 12 months ahead is another unknown, but I do know that the longer I'm like this it feels like the more likely of permanent nerve damage there might be. 

A leap of faith!

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