A Rose By Any Other Name

Another cold and rainy day..with bursts of sunshine...seems to be the pattern here..No wonder everything is so green!

The roses on the stone walls of the house are coming into bloom. I have been watching these particular ones for a while wondering if they will open up more or remain tightly coiled ..I think the one on the right is about as far open as it will go...It looks a lot different than roses with which I am more familiar...I am intrigued by the pattern of the petals swirling around in the centre like that. 

This morning, our new British friends came for a visit and really made our day. Lots of interesting conversation and with the help of Peter, who also speaks French, I now finally have my mobile phone account all set up with my French provider so that I can renew it this weekend! I have been receiving many texts from them but couldn't decipher the instructions as, of course, they were in French. Whew...

The rest of the day was still rainy and cold..but when it cleared off, my sister and I went for an evening walk along our lane and up the hill to the road above us in search of a sunset sky - or at least a bit of colour in what had been a dark and quite ominous sky all day..no luck..(extra) At one point, we could look down on our house nestled into the side of the same hill which gave us a whole new perspective on where we are! 

And then of course, on the way home, it rained. And we got wet.

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