A Day In The Life

By Irish59

Jay Day

Lots of activity in the yard today • First off, it was gorgeous. Blue sky, bright sun. T-shirt weather. I didn’t mind the wind a bit because it kept the black flies away. Many consider these pests the Maine State Bird, LoL, but officially it’s the Black-capped Chickadee. It was a relief not to have that annoying distraction • While mowing MrsP came towards me rather quickly waving her arm and pointing with the other. She claimed she saw something large in a tree, maybe an owl. I said it was likely a raven and continued to mow. Not five minutes later an owl swooped low in front of me and flew into the woods! Those wings!! That MrsP was right after all! She doesn’t miss much, that’s for sure! If we had kids they’d believe she had eyes in the back of her head :) • The gang is all here!! Yep, I saw a hummer this morning at the feeder!! Yippee!! I immediately made more nectar and will be putting it out shortly • Happy Saturday! Happy Weekend from Maine!

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