Mono Mystery Object

I had a parcel to collect from a locker in WH Smith at the Metrocentre so that's where I headed this afternoon. Then I looked at the clothes in Next - got nothing. Then to Marks and Spencers for some grapes and dog treats and finally Poundland for a few essentials.  The bus home was waiting at the stop when I got there. Both buses were on time today.  That's progress.

Watched a bit of TV when I got home - part one  of Steeltown Murders from yesterday.  Another show where they flip around from the past to the present.  I like true crime shows or ones based on real events like this one so I will stick with it and hopefully I will enjoy it.   Another 3 episodes to go.

The Tiny Tuesday theme today is " mystery macro ".  I took photos of a few different things but they didn't look very mysterious. This one is the best of the bunch  - hopefully it won't be too easy to guess. Answer tomorrow. Thanks to H0tamer for hosting.

Weather was quite nice for most of the day but around 6pm it started raining and this seems to have continued all evening.

Steps today - 6,411

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