
I didn't sleep too well last night and eventually decided to get up and watch the final two episodes of 'Without Sin'.  I've always admired Vicky McClure's work but this was a strange old drama and, although the ending worked I felt that everyone in the cast couldn't have cast the first stone and that seemed a tad contrived.  Thankfully, I was able to return to bed and sleep afterwards but it was a slow start to the day.  Tony was away early to take the car in for its MOT so I listened to the Archers, watched a bit of the Coronation Concert and then dressed and pottered at a few house jobs.

After lunch Angela and I had a short walk in local woodland, Tony got on his bike to go to the garage and I set about preparing dinner.  I wanted to blip bugs in the mini meadow, which is still dominated by the campions, but it was too breezy so I blipped a clump of them when the wind dropped for a moment.

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