A Day Worth Recording

By Cheeseminer


Our last day on holiday, returning to the (relative) mountains of Malvern tonight.  We had time for a wander around the town again, taking in the Dutch love of turrets and ridiculously long barges.

Then, the joys, or lack thereof, of not-entirely-coordinated rail travel.

(Yes, it would have been simpler, quicker and cheaper to fly but we're not people to be concerned about the environmental impact of unnecessary flying, and then to do it ourselves).

Getting to Brussels was OK but late and overcrowded as the connecting train had needed to take the passengers from a failed train as well.  Where it really got broken was back in the UK (no surprises there then) and the journey was a bit asymptotic - first to Birmingham, then to Worcester, then eventually the last train for the final 9 miles to Malvern, only to find no taxis at the station...

Extras: barge of extreme length, outer city moat, and a turret or two.

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