Flower Friday

Helianthemum, or rock rose. I don't remember last year there being so many flowers on this plant. So I thought it should have its moment of glory on blip.

A busy day with an aerobics class this morning, which was quite tough after having a week off as our instructor was ill. A quick coffee with the ladies before some shopping in S'bury's. Home to change as had a hair appointment in town lunch time, after which stocked up in M&S. Then popped over to Sue for a cup of tea to go with the double chocolate brownies from M&S . I know naughty but nice ;-))

I am way behind with your blips, and hope to catch up this evening. Thank you for dropping by and for your comments and rewards. Have a wonderful weekend where ever you are and what ever you are doing. Take care and stay safe :-) x

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