Northern Star

By Lifferz


Gorgeously sunny day. Taken this evening when many people were still sat in their gardens enjoying the warmth.

MrH was back for an incredibly brief flying visit. He arrived in the early hours of Saturday and left by 8am on Sunday. He was lucky with the weather and got two weeks of clothes washed and dried in that time!

I’m still feeling ropey and my cold seems to be moving into chest infection territory. I managed to mow the main lawn which was out of control despite mowing it before I went to Greece, I’m guessing there was some very heavy rain whilst I was away. This is half way through the job! I had to pace myself. I usually do ‘No mow May’ but as MrH is away and I sometimes need his help to lift the heavy mower and get it started ok I decided to break tradition. The upper lawn can be the nod to now mowing this May!

Received some bad news this afternoon concerning a younger member of my family who had very unexpectedly died. Still in shock about that. Life is precious and short.

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