Old vs New

Out with the old, in with the new. Many old buildings and walls in Bologna (and all over Italy) are getting revitalized (?) by getting covered up with stucco. It probably strengthens the structure and cleans it up a bit. As a nod to the beauty and fortitude of the original structure, the builders always leave a little bit of the old peeking through the new. Its a provoking contrast. I snapped this bit of wall on our way to the train station this morning. Another round trip to Lucca AGAIN! Why? Well, I managed to forget my credit card at the Pasticcieria Elisa! But, it was sunny, so we made a day of it. Strolling the le Mura, lunch at a favorite restaurant, shopping and not buying at an antiques fair that seemed to spread from one piazza to the next creeping through various narrow streets. It actually got hot, so gelato was in order. On the way back to the train we crossed paths with a medieval parade and some medieval cross-bow archers. A good day.. Sun, Fun and a reunion with my oh, so important credit card.

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