In the garden 17:30.,

A busy day today.
I had two lines of washing out first thing before going to an appointment at the local hospital this morning.
I got home at 13:15 ready for some lunch,
Stephen had been doing a bit of gardening, mowing the top “lawn”only as far as the “wild patch” which we are leaving this year.
I can see signs of the wild flower seeds I scattered in the prepared area up by the summerhouse a couple of weeks ago.
This afternoon my usual 90 minutes of French Conversation on Zoom.,
Always very interesting.
That meant by 5:45pm I was ready for some tea.
It has been a lovely sunny day with a blustery wind blowing about,, which made it cool in any shade,
I took the photo as I finished the French session, from my vantage point up in the loft bedroom.
I’m a bit behind today but will catch up eventually.

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