Italian book group feast

The main event of my day was a trip over to Glasgow for our monthly book group dinner, on this occasion hosted by LauraMuir. As usual, it was a very jolly get-together with lots of interesting conversation over a delicious meal.

Since the book under discussion - The marriage portrait by Maggie O'Farrell - is set in Renaissance Italy, Laura cooked a range of Italian dishes for us, which we ate to the accompaniment of Renaissance music. My blip is of our main course: stuffed mushrooms; courgette risotto with parmesan cheese; gnocchi; turbot; chicken; and green beans.

It has been lovely to relax with my friends this evening after rushing around earlier in the day. First thing I met Kate for coffee/tea in the West End (on the right date this time), then I walked down to the gym for my Monday morning swim.

After lunch Mr hazelh and I sat down together for an hour to watch the final episode of Steeltown murders. In the middle of this the new (and perfect) replacement mattress for our guest bedroom arrived.

Then I made a start on editing Rachel's first draft of a conference submission that is due in the next few days. I didn't quite finish before it was time to walk up to Ridgeback13's house for my lift to Glasgow.

Exercise today: swim (60 lengths); walking (18,390 steps).

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