Bologna Biking 2

Another day of sunshine and another day of cycling. This ride was as flat and long as yesterday’s was steep and short. We rode the Ciclovia del Sole which is 50 km of flat terrain from Bologna to Mirandola. It is a well marked trail and well supported with rest areas that has everything except toilets. I guess the idea is that you are sweating so much, that there’s nothing left to pee! And we did sweat! It is the Sun Bikeway for a reason. No shade. And it was a hot sunny day. The first section winds through urban streets of Bologna, then along road through suburban area of light industry, residential area and big farms. We continued to follow the Yellow Painted Sun through small towns and along fields of barley, corn and tomatoes. The trail is a converted old rail line and for most of the way follows along the new high speed rail line. This made for an easy return. We reached our destination, rewarded ourselves with a gelato, then hopped on the train back to Bologna. Love it.

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