
While I was away for a few days a friend dealt with the hens but didn't realise that Rumpy had gone broody and was hogging the communal nest (imagining she could incubate the eggs, which are infertile anyway because there's no  cockerel.)

I broke her broodiness when I got back (by shutting her up elsewhere,  eggless, for a few  days) but no eggs appeared in the nest so I guessed the other three hens had found somewhere else to lay. Since our yard is filled with herbage at least a metre high it was like looking for the proverbial needle but fortunately I heard a soft clucking deep in the grass and followed my ears. A nest with six eggs!  But surely there should be more? So today I had a good rummage and I found this one.
There may be more...

Rumpy did manage to hatch two chicks in 2021 and we still have her foster-daughter, Mrs Dorking.

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