Messing with a Fountain - and a Tulip Tree Flower

I'm back in London for a quick visit, for the rescheduled "leaving do" which should have taken place a couple of weeks ago but was postponed because of the train strikes. I had some spare time and it was a lovely afternoon so I spent some time in Regents Park. I'd hoped to find lots of beds full of flowers for a Flower Friday blip but it seems I was too late for some flowers and too early for others: good specimens were in rather short supply. So I took this shot of a fountain, using a longish exposure and zooming the lens during the shot to produce this slightly surreal effect. (I do like messing around sometimes with my photos!)

Having decided on that for my blip I then came across the flowering tree in the extra which looked a bit unusual. According to Google Lens it's a Tulip Tree, native to the eastern states of America and eastern Canada. Strange what one finds in London! Anyway I'll tag the extra for BikerBear's Flower Friday challenge - thanks Anni!

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