Buttercup meadow

Almost lunch time as we left to go shopping, so MrM suggested having lunch in Beattie's first, and very good it was too. Afterwards we popped into a clothing shop, as MrM needs a light jacket. While the ladies' clothing moved in to summer mode a while ago, the gents' department is still firmly entrenched in winter, so no luck there. Finally some grocery shopping.

By then it was mid-afternoon and the traffic getting out of the town was horrendous, not helped by the fact that it was time for the 'school run'. MrM, not being one for waiting in long queues of cars, decided on a rural route to avoid the traffic jams. It was a very long way round, with a number of short traffic jams along the way, though there were  some very lovely views!

A walk in to town this evening for a drink at the Bridge. Seemed a long way back up the hill!

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