Stop and start

Woke to a beautiful day. Called A…she’s finally feeling human again but is still testing positive so suggested I wait til tomorrow to go round rather than today.
Popped over to L’s to collect the garden sofa she’s giving A and we were very pleased to get it and the table into my car…I’ll get the chairs another time. Home and got ready to go out for a bike ride….although took a while to get changed, plan a route and download the map etc etc. anyway, off I set. Enjoying spinning along but when I came to go up a hill I couldn’t understand why the power didn’t kick in. Faffed around pressing buttons for a while and carried along on the path enjoying the sun through the trees, the blossom and smells of spring. Started to worry though about the hills that lay ahead that I’d planned, and decided I should pop back to the bike shop and ask them to check it out. On the way back I ran straight into the Hibs fans arriving at Tynecastle for the derby match. They were singing under the bridge, enjoying the acoustics and singing at the tops of their voices (although I couldn’t make out their words!). They were noisy but good humoured* and it wasn’t hard to slip past and get to the shop. Turns out you can’t switch the power assist on once you’re moving or it won’t kick in. You learn something every day! They also offered to help with the stiff battery so I decided to nip home to get the key. The clouds were gathering a bit so I didn’t mind so much not completing my planned ride.
Slight issue that I couldn’t find the battery key…I suspect I may have a left it at the other bike shop that I went to the other week, and of course they’re closed today. Sigh!
Nipped out to do food shopping and then home and started doing the prep for my guests next week, making up beds and cleaning up.
Had a bit of a doze then made supper and did some online browsing and texting.

*final score was a 1-1 draw, so I don’t know how upbeat they’d have been at the end!

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