
This sunny weather has brought on the mini meadow and each day we find something new has appeared.  Today the ox eye daisies and hawkbit are flowering and the forest of yellow rattle continues to increase.  My blip is of the yarrow which has retreated to the edge of the mini meadow this year and is about to flower.  It was interesting to hear on GQT the other day that a listener was concerned that she had 'lost' some flowers from her meadow and should she do something about it?  The advice from all of the panel was to leave it be as it would likely change year on year, and certainly that is the case with our meadow.  I love sitting on the bench with my cuppa and watching the bug activity.

We've done a couple of hours of balsam bashing today.  I found a large patch of the plants across the beck a couple of days ago and asked the landowner for permission to cross the wall and pull it.  I don't think we'll be able to clear it but hopefully we'll dent it for next year.  Certainly the section we cleared last year with the Green Action Group, is much less full of balsam this year.

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