79 F/ 26 C

The slough is a hub
of bird activity to
entertain us all


I was on my way to McArthur Island Park before 7. It is the start of a very beautiful day.

 I didn't need to go further than the area around the Butterfly Garden on the north side of the slough. There were Canada geese on parade with their offspring everywhere! As always, they are very entertaining.

I caught a small armada on the slough heading for the foot bridge. I followed little families through the plantings in the Butterfly Garden. When I crossed the foot bridge I got a shot of my mountains (and my car) to the east. 

The Butterfly Garden is coming along beautifully. The peonies are almost over their best. Their heads were weighted down with the overnight watering. Red poppies are in full bloom, catching one's attention immediately. 

I discovered two painted rocks left near the foot bridge. I picked up the purple one to add to my front garden. 

I picked up some groceries and my breakfast on the way home. 

I'm home for the day. I will need to plant those flowers I bought yesterday. 

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