My friend’s garden.

I went to see a couple of friends this morning who live just up the road. They have a lovely garden and a new summerhouse. I took the photo.
I’d promised to bring back something for them to hang in it from a lovely artisan shop near to where we stay when we are in Cornwall.
I got home at lunchtime and soon afterwards went to visit another friend who had broken her knee cap in a fall when she was on holiday in Poland.
She is doing remarkably well and had actually made me some scones with jam to have with my cup of tea.
She is a very fit lady who belongs to three different walking groups, ( used to belong to a cycling group) and does Pilates, all at the age of 83!
diminutive and outgoing, she nursed her husband for several years before he died in 2019 and is very hospitable.
I a, also pleased to say that although my sister has now been told officially it was a stroke, that it was a mild one, although she is still having trouble with her eyes. But I can tell she is now more like herself as she has been sending me WhatsApp photos of her meals and asking me to guess what they are!
I’m so proud of the way she handles all this, she was exactly the same the first time. And fought her way back to being able to walk again,
Thankyou once again for all your comments, I am just about to spend a bit of time catching up. It’s good to see something different.

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