Wide Eyed and Legless

It was overcast and chilly this morning and it wasn't until about midday that the sun broke through and warmed the day up giving us a lovely afternoon. 

I've had my Olympus 60mm macro lens for a while but I realised when I met up with Karen (Draco) in Wales that I hadn't taken the trouble to understand it. It has a switch for different focusing options and also a position for 1:1 magnification which doesn't hold in position. I found out that that this works only with manual focusing so I've been trying that out today. As it turned out while sitting in the garden, Cato had something that had taken his interest. It was a slow-worm(a legless lizard) so I quickly confined Cato and found it was undamaged. It seemed to be playing dead but I could see its tongue was flicking in and out so I got down on the path and adjusted the camera for full magnification. That's my blip for today.

Trouble is today is the Wide on Wednesday challenge which I'm hosting for the next three weeks while Bob is enjoying a holiday. The theme I set is 'A Bit of Red' and my slow-worm doesn't fit that very well. I felt I needed to take part as I'm hosting so my blousy red poppies taken at a friend's house where I attended a meeting this afternoon have been relegated to an extra.

I'm look forward to looking through your entries and I'll be posting my choices for hearts and Honourable Mentions when I post my blip tomorrow evening (UK time). Bob seems to have made the tag for 30th May but don't worry I'll check tags for 30 and 31

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