
An early start to do a peloton workout before heading for a first meeting with my fellow heads and our College colleague. A supervision, a couple of other meetings, and some catching up in my office saw me through to the time for the reception for winners and shortlisted nominees for the student led teaching awards. I snapped a picture of our winner "in the ring", as it were. Having started out grey, it had come out very sunny by then.

I had to leave quite early from the reception because we had visitors in the shape of my brother and sister in law, on their way to Aberdeenshire.

I discovered yesterday, when prompted by the Blip Central blip, that my blip is no longer going to twitter. I've actually been thinking of stopping that anyway, given privacy issues, so I'm entirely happy the decision has been taken out of my hands. I'll still keep putting it on Facebook, I guess.

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