Oksana from Ukraine

Today we got a visit from the youth leader the trade union for State Employees in Ukraine. She managed to escape to Sweden soon after the war began, and have continued her work there. 

She gave us an incredibly strong lecture about the situation for the employees that work to save their country, and work without rest to provide minimum service when bombs are falling, power shortage and lack of nearly everything. 

Basic workers' rights are disregarded or abolished in wartime. There is no or little payment. 

In private sector where there are companies that still have profit, like Coca Cola, employers tell the workers, that there will be no payment, you have to wait until Putin looses and he will pay you. People are desperate to secure food for the children and to survive. 

International pressure will be important in the reconstruction of civil society and the trade union movement in Ukraine after the war. The trade unions in the nordic countries are a great inspiration for secure a democratic state which don't exploit the workers and the population. 

Such an incredible person that made a great impact on us today.


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