Things To Do Indoors When Air Quality Sucks

The air quality in Pennsylvania is quite poor in many places right now due to smoke from distant fires. Eastern Canada is experiencing a number of wildfires, and the wind patterns are bringing the smoke right down to us. The air is hazy here and smells of smoke; the light looks strangely filtered.

On this day, New York City and eastern Pennsylvania battled for some of the worst air quality in the world. In the afternoon, the air quality charts showed scary words like "hazardous" and "dire." People were advised to eliminate or limit time outdoors, especially anyone with compromised health or breathing issues.

I kept my walk to a half-hour, watered what had to be watered in the yard, and then spent the rest of the day inside. I cleaned two microwaves. I put containers and lids together. I organized the books we've collected from Little Free Libraries in the past few months (yes, I'm a sucker for a free book), and got two bags of books together to give back. Let's hope the air quality improves, and soon!

My soundtrack song is this one: Stevie Nicks and Tom Petty, with Insider.

I'm an insider, I've been burned by the fire
And I've had to live with some hard promises
I've crawled through the briars
I'm an insider

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