First of all I would like to thank everyone who left stars and hearts on yesterdays special blip --- and for all the lovely comments.  All were much appreciated.

The weather today has been wonderful  A proper Summers day with lots of sunshine and it was really warm.  I had a pleasant wander down to the village,.  Took another bag of stuff to the Barnardos Charity shop and did food shopping in Herons and Tesco.  Picked up a parcel in Tesco - no problems this time as the cashier had it ready as soon as she saw me. 

I also popped into Greggs .  For my birthday they had loaded a sweet treat on to the app on my phone.  So I chose a triple chocolate muffin.

I got my blip shot on the way home.  I noticed the gate of the cricket club was open so I peeked in and saw the lawnmower.  Thought the scene would do for the Mono Monday challenge - the theme today is Simplicity.  Thanks to Carolina for hosting.

After unpacking my shopping - and a couple of boxes of stuff which had been delivered while I was out ( they had been put in my garage ) I sat outside on the patio.  I enjoyed my Greggs muffin with a cup of coffee.

Tino was outside too - relaxing on the new pet bed. See Extra.  The bed was delivered a couple of days ago and after fitting it together ( which wasn't easy ) I put it outdoors.   It has a mesh base to keep a pet cool and a canopy for shade.   However until today neither cat was interested.  But Tino spent some time in/on  it this afternoon - and Lily was there for a short while later on. 

Steps today - 6,437

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