Morning Walk and homeward bound

We woke up after a good night's sleep next to our lake. (Jan has blipped the lake-side view and I had an extra in yesterday's blip.) We generally sleep very well, and long, in the campervan, for reasons we can guess at but still don't really understand.
I took a short walk, following a path into the nearby trees, and the picture is taken there. The ground was basically sand and in places there was masses of white moss growing. I guess the sand is very nutrient poor because it is unusual for moss to grow on the soil.
After a quick swim in the slightly cool (18°C) river we set off for home. As we got closer to home rain started, which merely emphasised what great weather we have had during our week away. It rained one night, while we slept, and when we crossed the highest point of the road, which was a shame but that's life.
We have really enjoyed the whole week and are planning to return, maybe next June when the high section of road opens after winter and there is much deep snow around.

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