
By Max_Blazer

528 day of war

Hello, friends!

Even though we only went away for a few days, there's been so much work piled up that I wouldn't mind spending another whole day just walking around instead of working :) Carpathia is indeed far enough from the frontline that it has its own atmosphere. If it weren't for the alleys of heroes who fell in the war with Russia in every city, it would seem like nothing is happening there.

I also saw a huge alley of heroes and a new monument with a hand stopping a missile in Ivano-Frankivsk. Interestingly, this monument isn't even marked on Google Maps, and we accidentally found it. There was a sad sight of an old lady sitting near one of the photos of a fallen soldier, lighting candles, and laying flowers. It's still very difficult to accept everything that's happening, to understand that there is a war going on, and life can't be the same as before. Many people have lost their relatives, and it's really painful to witness. (here is a photo of the Alley of Heroes and the monument in Ivano-frankivsk https://photos.app.goo.gl/hUaapiyjnTXWnuoT7 )

Amidst our counteroffensive, the shelling of our cities has intensified. The air raid siren goes off daily, and it's the longest at night because that's when the Russians launch drones that fly for a long time. I try not to think too much about what will happen next or how the summer will end because everything is still uncertain. The situation on the frontline greatly determines what the next year will be like, as winter is unsuitable for offensive actions, and most active operations take place in warmer months. I'm trying to prepare for winter because it seems we'll be without electricity again, and it will be very tough.

With each passing day, it becomes more evident that the war is at its peak of active actions. We daily destroy Russian logistics and military targets, and they respond by launching rockets at residential buildings and grain containers, attempting to cripple our economy. It's hard to find words to talk about this every day, and there's no energy left to comment on the cruelty of the Russians. We all hope that the country will endure, and this will come to an end, but it's still unclear how it will happen.

A protracted war is indeed a very challenging time, paralyzing everything as there's no certainty about anything. However, one must work hard to survive. You don't know if you'll have a home to tomorrow, whether your relatives and friends will be alive, or if it will be your turn to go to the front. Although the situation on the frontline is complex, there are still many people needed, as several hundred thousand Russians are currently on our territory. Fortunately, they don't employ harsh methods like forcibly conscripting people as they did last year. Instead, there are checks on military officials, and many of them took bribes from draft dodgers. Those who took bribes are the ones being sent to war now, which is, in a way, good news.

Since the beginning of the war and the prospect of joining the European Union, there's been a more active fight against corruption in our country, and there's hope that it will continue. It used to seem that everyone who came to power did so solely to improve their own situation, with little concern for the people and the country. Now there are regular searches of many high-ranking officials, and it's hoped that a time will come when people will be afraid to take bribes because they'll know that punishment will surely follow.

It's August now, and it seems like the vacation season is happening even amidst active combat. There's hardly any work for us, but we take advantage of the season of cheap fruits and berries and go out to gather them in the surrounding forests. Though the mountain trip brought many good emotions, it's very easy to fall back into a low morale due to the constant stream of distressing news and stress. Nevertheless, we hold on and try to do everything for survival and to support the country.

Thank you for your support! Thank you for still being with us.
And a big thank you to everyone who supports me on buymeacoffee, it really helps a lot to survive

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