Dolcezza Della Vita

By Dolcezza

New toy...

Nope, this sexy piece of metal is not mine, but I wish it was! Josh got a new toy tonight - hes been working the deal for a while - wanted to get the guy down to a certain price and he just got it. Received the lovely photo to my phone! I swear he is such a guy and I say that in the best way possible!!

There is just something so attractive about a guy who is a little rough around the edges, smells like motor oil, and is all into his toys. Of course he didnt need this dirt bike, has one, but he wanted it. The other bike is quite nice, so this will probably be the one he will beat up. I'm sure I"ll be seeing the bike very soon ;)

This week is crazy busy. Things havent slowed down. Meeting after meeting and then dealing w/ my engineers who are acting like five year olds! Arggh! I found out one of the engineers was let go - it was about damn time.

If I listed all the things this guy had done wrong - I would run out of room. Just one of those people who wasnt quite with it...had a few screws loose. He crossed the line with me a few times - so I'm glad he is no longer with us.

Taking a few days off next week - need a break from work...a little R&R time.

Hope everyone is having a good week.


A year ago...dinner with one of my best friends...and delish Indian food!

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