
By MrsK277

Bra bunting!

Funny sight, but it seemed to do the trick for fundraising. All dotted across the main shopping street in Hunstanton in aid of Breast Cancer.
Day started well with a first ever completed Big X sudoku!!
FK and I headed out to see the Military vehicles on the Green, parking at Old Hunstanton carpark and walking along the top. Walked back via crazy golf, close game and a hole in 1, but I lost by 4.
Then we met Malcom, the cockador, golden cocker and labrador mix. What a cutie.
Ate our picnic and I did some painting while FK read. We then played bat and ball for a bit, before walking to Old Hunstanton beach for a swim and an ice cream. 
Home via Mum, who's finally hired a gardener! I think she realised I wasn't going to let it go when I gave her the 5th and 6th telephone numbers!!
Another good day with my summer buddy.

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