
By Flossmo

Conway to Amherst

Back blip for yesterday

The day was spent in transit. We left the White Mountains, covered in swags of mist, and drove south through mile after mile of forest. The fall has not yet arrived although the beginnings of it can be seen with some trees showing changing leaf colour. 

At lunchtime Mr Flossmo declared he was hungry so I searched on the satnav for somewhere to eat. Lou’s Bakery seemed suitable so we headed there. As we entered the urban area of Hanover it seemed pleasant and prosperous but it wasn’t until we were sat in Lou’s that it dawned on us that we were in the home of Dartmouth College, one of the premier tertiary education establishments in the US. There were any number of youngsters at Lou’s in what seemed to be regulation shorts with endless suntanned legs; the future elite, no doubt. Sat on the opposite aisle from us was a young man with short dark hair and black rimmed glasses who might have been Dustin Hoffman in the Graduate. We smiled.

We took a short stroll along the Main Street and I was intrigued by the tiny ‘library’ - one in one out, the notice said. A more eclectic collection of books is hard to imagine. What a green and pleasant place to come and study, I guess one just needs a wealthy pop to pay for it all.

After lunch we continued to Amherst, where we are spending two nights.

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