Photo weekend - day 1

Today I'm one of the guides for a photography weekend on Ameland, an island in the Wadden Sea. We met the group at Holwerd, where the ferry to Ameland is. It's a nice group and after only an hour or so the banter started. That's great!

When we went back from this location to our hotel in Nes, my throat started hurting. I'm afraid this will be the start of a cold; let's hope this will not be the case...

I made this image, which is actually the very first image I made today, to show the group what could be done with the low sunlight but unfortunately they could not get the same type of shot because the sun sank behind a bank of clouds near the horizon rather quickly after I had made my image. But as you can see in the extra photo, there was still quite a beautiful sky after sunset so we definitely all enjoyed ourselves.

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